Saturday, August 21, 2010


(By Request)

  • 150g Wheat Flour
  • 250g Sugar
  • 200g Margarine, shake until it turn into white and smooth
  • 200g Dark Cooking Chocolate, melt it
  • 150g Almond, fry and roughly cut
  • 25g   Milk Powder
  • 50g   Chocolate Powder
  • 6        Yolk Eggs
  • 4        Egg-white

For Decoration:
  • 250g Dark Cooking Chocolate, melt it

How to Make it?
  1. Mix wheat flour, milk powder and chocolate powder, sifter and set aside.
  2. Shake the egg and sugar until it turn into white and viscous, set aside.
  3. Mix margarine that has been shake and the melted chocolate, set aside.
  4. Enter half of the mixed wheat flour into the dough of egg, mix well. Add the mixed margarine, mix well. Add the remaining mixed wheat flour together with the roughly cut almond, mix well.
  5. Basting the brass with margarine and cover it with baking paper.
  6. Pour the dough to the 22 x 22 x 4 cm brass. Bake for about 30 minutes. Take out and chill it.
  7. Pour the melted dark cooking chocolate to the surface of the dough. Put in the refrigerator until the chocolate condense.
  8. Cut into dice shape, now ready to serve!

          Beside make dark cooking chocolate as the topping, you can substitute with grated   cheese or chocolate sprinkle.


  1. Sadh, gw sering bikin brownies (gw bisa masak gitu :P), tapi rasa telorny kadang nempel.

    Kalo gw kurangin gagal gak? Apa gw tambahin coklatny segala?

  2. wew, cowo bisa masak? Keyen :) hahaha

    jangan di kurangin nick.
    Kemungkinan waktu buat ngocok telornya kurang. Minimal waktu buat ngocok telor 10 menit, pake mixer, sampe berubah warna.
    Semoga membantu yaaa...

  3. Thanks for the recipe!
    Aku kasih tau kalo sukses yaa :D

  4. ohkay deh. Good luck buat brownies-nya :)
